Cupcake Day!
Icing. Lots of sprinkles. And a big helping of hope for people affected by dementia
Dementia is the number one cause of death in England and Wales. It doesn’t discriminate and currently there’s no cure. With your help, we aim to change this.
Last year, dedicated Cupcakers around the country united to raise a mighty £330,000 against dementia. That’s more than enough to fund 11 PhD researchers for a year, giving them the opportunity to undertake vital, potentially lifesaving work.
This year we want to raise even more. By joining together for Cupcake Day 2017, you’ll not only be helping to create a better world for people affected by dementia today, but also to find a cure for tomorrow.

would pay for five people with dementia to attend a Singing for the Brain session – a fun activity that enhances wellbeing and connection through music.
would pay for one of our National Dementia Helpline Advisors to provide 10 hours of crucial support to people affected by dementia.
would pay for a Doctoral Training Centre to run for one day, helping up to eight PhD researchers to carry out ground breaking study in dementia research.